Billy Blanks - Judge CRUSHES Scammers Who Stole $1.1 Mil from Tae Bo Boss
Two scumbags who worked for Billy Blanks better have brushed up on their Tae Bo ... 'cause they're heading to federal prison after stealing more than $1.1 million from the fitness icon.
According to the United States Attorney's Office, Blanks hired Rhenee Foster and Demetria Gutierrez to handle his personal and professional finances.
Instead, the women stole a TON of cash and blew it on things like fancy clothes, vacations and "down payments on several Range Rovers."
Officials say the women were feeding Blanks false statements to conceal their scheme.
The women both pled guilty to bank fraud last year -- but today, they were each sentenced to 33 months in federal prison and ordered to pay $1,119,000 in restitution.
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