I adore Anastasia, even when she is thinking small. This new mini-brow kit is a perfect stocking stuffer for the brow challenged. You know just to get them started with a mini Matte Camille Highlighter, Tweezers, and Clear Brow Gel. Also a wonderful addition to any brow-obsessed beauty's collection. Take me for example. I have every Anastasia product known to man and there is still lots to love about this little arch-itectural collection.
I love the mini brow highlighter because: 1) The effect of Anastasia's brilliantly colored Matte Camile highlighter is transfixing. It is so remarkable it may, in fact, be habit-forming. I saw a cute man last night and my first reflex was to whip out this little beauty, re-apply, then return to the conversation. Clearly he would have evaporated had I chosen to do so, but still having the option of a pocket brow highlighter is essential should you have more planning time for your cute man encounter. 2) I find the full wand of brow gel is intimidating. Especially for those (who shall remain anonymous) on Anastasia's twelve step program for over pluckers. Somehow in this little package it was less intimidating and the results are lovely, even for the brow balding like myself.

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