Honored to be in his gentle presence, I spoke with Leonard, about his daughter-in-law who went to UNC. He thinks Chapel Hill is a lovely town. Upon first glance it appeared he adopted the southern gentleman's feminine style by wearing a pink tie and matching colored shirt beneath his suit. On second thought I realized it was in fact a signal reminding all of us why we were there. Estee Lauder is partnering with Total Beauty bloggers for our upcoming October Campaign where we will go PINK to benefit Lauder's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. Details will be forthcoming in the next month.
According to the Global Communications Director, Estee herself said in beauty we telephone, telegraph, and tell-a-woman. The Lauders are certain that Estee would have embraced the world of blogging. How I would have adored reading her blog. I will do my best, girls, to live up to the invitation extended to me tonight, and bring you the best of Lauder's 29 brands. I also spoke with the president of Estee Lauder who was genuinely interested in reaching you, the Beauty's SPOT readers.
Those are all the words I can manage. The pictures will have to say the rest for now.

Erika Valente of Makeup Bag and Total Beauty with Leonard Lauder.

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